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Showing posts from September, 2007

Be Thankful!

T onight, as Reid and I are getting ready for bed, I find myself unable to be thankful. Why is this such a struggle? I have had the past two days off work, and yet I am wishing for just one more day of relaxation. I spent my night with Reid, but I am wishing for a few more hours of "us" time. I started catching up on the third season of Grey's Anatomy, but I wish there was time to watch a few more episodes before bedtime. What is keeping me from being thankful for two days off work, quality time spent with my husband, and that I have the luxury of watching two episodes of my favorite TV drama? Frustrated with myself and trying to conquer my negative thinking, I begin to thank God for different things in my life. I start with thanking Him for today, September 11, 2007. I think about what this day means. It means that for the past six years, and even before that, people have been fighting so that I can continue to decide how I spend my day. Passengers fought to detour the

So, I was off work today and Reid is in Philadelphia recruiting with Oliver Wyman at UPenn. Lucky for me, I have to keep me company. As many of you know, my dad is a bit of a jokester. At age 7 I stopped playing in the woods behind our house because my dad let me watch a documentary about Bog Foot, and had me convinced he was real. My brother, George, lived in perpetual fear of a monster (complete with orange skin, green eyes and black hair) that made a frequent appearance at the bottom of the stairs. However, it was definitely the youngest child, Eleanor, who got the worst of the scares. Not knowing when someone might jump out of a bush or from behind a car, she ran everywhere she went. Poor Ellie B., she still won't sleep alone. ;) The selections below are the top 5 videos I found most amusing...yeah, I laughed 'til I cried. http://www.y

Love and Respect

I began reading this book by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs for a girls group I meet with on Friday mornings. Though I have only read one chapter, I am so excited to read a book that speaks such amazing truth! In Ephesians 5:33, Paul writes, "Each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband." The bottom line in Chapter One is this: without respect, he reacts without love- without love, she reacts without respect. How wonderful to know that Paul is not just offering a suggestion, but a command from God! Just in my first nine months of marriage I have seen, thankfully not many times, this play out in several disagreements that Reid and I have had. Reid and I knew we weren't understanding each other's needs, but this book clearly states what we were missing.

Labor Day Weekend

Reid and I were able to take time off work to take a long weekend trip to visit friends and family in Little Rock. Not having seen Reid's brother, Trevor, since our wedding, it was a great time to reconnect as the newest addition to the Grandle family. We were also able to celebrate Reid's dad's birthday! We had a wonderful dinner of pasta and an Italian meat dish (my mother-in-law is an amazing cook). I was able to spend some quality time with my mom which is always so special for both of us! She has had good reports during her last few doctor visits and continues to take the Alzheimer's medication that is slowing the dementia. After two months of treatments, my dad has completed his radiation treatments for prostate cancer. The effectiveness of the radiation has been extremely high in most patients and we are all hopeful! During treatments, dad continued to workout with his trainer, run the bleachers at War Memorial Stadium, and lunge the length of a football field!