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Showing posts from March, 2009

Bad Job, Mr. Police Officer

Well, the latest in Dallas news is pretty terrible. NFL player Ryan Moats was on his was to see his mother-in-law who was dying of breast cancer when this happened: I saw it on the local news last night, and then national news after that. People are enraged by this police officer's actions - I am too! Maybe it makes me so angry because this story hits so close to home. I just can't imagine someone being so inhumane that they can't even offer sympathy in this situation, even if a traffic violation was made! To think he was racing to get family members to the hospital to say their last goodbyes. Mr. Police Officer, if this was Colonial times you might be hung. I'd say folks are gonna think you got off pretty easy. -- Post From My iPhone


I got a call today from an excited lady at the Alzheimer's Association of Dallas and am just waiting on my next call from the lady about the facilitaor training. They were so excited to have another volunteer and she was really surprised to hear my mom's age and mine, too. She tried to send me a copy of Frank Broyle's book, the Alzheimers Game Plan - I think that's what it's called. I bragged that I went to the U of A and am friends with his grand-daughter (shout out Taylor!). Things are moving full speed ahead! Thanks for praying! And thanks Mikel ( for already giving an option for a meeting place! -- Post From My iPhone

The Blessing

I was reading tonight and happened to open my bible to one of my favorite books - Jude. There is such a history of this passage for my dad, George, Eleanor, and me. There was a nightly ritual at our house. It consisted of getting ready for bed - which I remember taking at least an hour - and then the tucking in and saying of prayers. How my parents had the heart to pray with us after we drove them crazy getting ready for bed makes them saints in my book! There was a time, around when I was nine, that my dad started reading (don't quote me on this title) Dad the Family Shepherd. This book wasn't written by James Dobson and the book he was reading might have been, but those are just fuzzy details I can't quite remember. Every night he would tuck me in, say my prayers, and then say "the blessing" over me. On nights that George went first it was so special to lay in my bed and anticipate my turn. To me, at age nine, it was a huge deal that my dad said he knew a blessi

Support Group Facilitator

Yes, don't laught, that could soon become my new title! It sounds silly, but this step I've just taken means so much to me! There are NO resources for early onset patients or family members in Little Rock, and the only one I can find in the DFW area is in Denton and is geared toward patients (which is still a step in the right direction). I decided today that I would call and see what it would take for me to be the facilitator of a support group...who would've thought only a training session! So, in the next 24 hours I should hear when the training is! Pray I can find a church or similar facility in the Dallas area that will allow me to use a room in their building once or twice a month. Is anyone reading related to a pastor in Dallas? I feel like I'm starting to find my purpose in the tragedy - my mom's disease. And if I can help someone else in that group find their purpose, then the healing will truly begin. -- Post From My iPhone


Mom talking to me on the phone 10 days ago. I've been thinking I should write about this for a while, it's usually just easier not to. A few weeks ago something in me started feeling different. This has happened to me since my mom became sick. Its just something I have to work through, something I have to go to the Lord with, a kind of wrestling with my spirit. I never understood, until now, what people meant when they said they wanted time to "stand still". It has now been three months since my mom took her down turn, and life seems to keep chugging along. Reid and I bought my parent's Christmas present back in October - tickets to see Bill Gaither and Friends in Ft. Worth. I never would have thought that come April my dad would be making this trip alone and I would be attending the concert with him. My dad was talking to our next door neighbors a few days ago. At the end of the conversation the wife asked how my mom was doing. My dad explained that she was doin

Birthday Cruise

We are going on a cruise (my first) the end of May to celebrate Aunt Christina's 50th birthday (it's Reid's mom's sister)! It is a quick, 3 day, Baja Mexico cruise on Carnival's Elation that leaves San Diego on a Thursday evening, makes a stop in Ensenada for a day, spends one day at sea, and then goes back to port on Sunday. Aunt Christina, we are so excited we get the opportunity to celebrate with you and spend time together as a family! -- Post From My iPhone

Fortune Cookie

Those of you who know me, know I LOVE to sleep in! That's why I thought I should share the fortune that was in my fortune cookie tonight. "Tomorrow will be a productive day. Don't oversleep." I never thought I would be convicted by a fortune cookie! -- Post From My iPhone

I Love...

Baby Harper Pardue! I can't link her blog on my iPhone, but it is I got to spend some time with her tonight, and of course needed to get some pics of the funny faces she was making while she slept. She is an absolute doll and her parents are wonderful for allowing me to come and hold their baby girl as often as I want! So peaceful sleeping in my lap. Quickly sneaking a peak to see who was trying to wake her up. And she's mad. This face didn't come with any noise, but I got the message to leave her alone! And, the Diva goes back to sleep. -- Post From My iPhone

Is Anybody Listening

I'll admit I have a tendency to live in a bubble, and I have struggled with this most of my life. I am trying to change this by reading the news every night from the Associate Press on my iPhone (hey, its a start). Reading has made me a lot more in tune to what is going on in our Nation and the World. I have not been directly effected by the economic crisis, and so it's pretty easy to go on thinking that the economic status of our Country might not ever be "my problem". But, that is so untrue. This crisis will more than likely effect my children and grandchildren - so I will choose not to turn a blind eye.


Have any of you ever been to a Family Life Weekend to Remember or a Beth Moore conference? I am thinking that it would be a good year to attend one or both. Any thoughts?

Sweet Sacrifice...

Maybe you all have read this already and I am posting "old news", but I couldn't help myself! A friend sent me this recent post and I had to share (really so my Auntie Joye can read it!). How precious is this? Like our parents did, Reid and I knew before we were ever married that we would make the necessary sacrifices for me to be home, but this "person I wish I knew" really puts into words how sweet the sacrifice is...

Sometimes You Need To Laugh

I am going to admit something rather embarrassing. Sometimes while Reid is traveling I get lonely at night. There is only so much alone time a person can take. So, I have started turning to YouTube. I told you this was embarrassing.  Tonight I decided I needed a good laugh, so I looked up some classic bloopers - I posted my favorite below. Hope you get a good laugh!

General Observation

Texans drive in the rain like Arkansans drive in the snow. It's just rain, people, not freezing accumulation! Reid and I noticed this when we first moved here. The first time it rained on a Sunday morning we missed church because of traffic. We kept thinking, "maybe there's a wreck up ahead?" Nope, just people who freak out in rain! I realized we weren't the only Arkansans to have observed this when LC brought it up the other night. Another interesting thing I heard on the news last spring after it rained (like it has for three days this week) was that there were 36 traffic accidents reported in Fort Worth alone! That was 36 for only one city in the metroplex! Ridiculous, huh? I guess this is just one more reason it would be hard to want to call myself a Texan even if I live here the rest of my life. -- Post From My iPhone

Reid's Coming!

Reid lands at 5 a.m. tomorrow morning! Yipee! -- Post From My iPhone


Emme has been practicing hard today for her first meeting with Baby Harper! Emme loves babies! She loves rocking them... Kissing them... Swaddling them... And throwing them. Oops! Harper this won't happen to you! -- Post From My iPhone

Just Thinking...

Baby fever? Harper, Saylor, Jack, Sawyer, Will, Brayden, David, Anniston and many more on their way! Waiting for the "right time" sure isn't getting any easier, people! -- Post From My iPhone

Harper Ann

At 7 lb 3 ounces Harper arrived just before 6 pm! She has a full head of dark hair and is gorgeous! Mom and baby are perfect - so is the new dad. Here are some pics of the first time LC and I met her! -- Post From My iPhone

Here She Comes!

Well, as many of you have probably already read, the Pardues are welcoming baby Harper Ann into the world today! My iPhone won't let me link you to their blog, but you can find the Pardues name linked to their blog in my Maui post. I got a text message from Lauren a little while ago and it sounds like labor is in full swing. She was induced this morning. Please pray that everything goes well and that Harper chooses to come without a csection. I know it would be defeating to go through hours of labor only to have it end that way - but ultimately we all want Harper here and good health for mom and baby. Wow, Lauren is going to be a mom today. Corby is going to be a dad. I just can't wrap my head around it until I see them with her. Thanks for keeping them in your prayers! -- Post From My iPhone

Oh no, it's raining!

Well, I couldn't fall asleep last night. Maybe I was unknowingly having sympathy for my good friend Lauren who is having her baby today and had to spend the night in the hospital last night to get ready. Translated: despite the ambien they gave her, she didn't sleep very well. So, this morning when it was dark and storming at 7am I certainly was having a hard time finding motivation to get out of bed. Now, I'm at work. Desperately needing coffee, or a nap, or just a good nights sleep. And I am trying to figure out why it is that Luke and Emerson seem to be more wound up today than any other? I mean, my goodness! They are literally jumping off the walls and sadly there won't even be a trip to the park to expend their energy. Ahhhh, if only I had an ounce their energy! I think this might be the perfect day for the Chick-Fil-A indoor playground... -- Post From My iPhone

The Long Goodbye: Health Background

Sometime around the first of June in 1951 my grandmother's water broke. She went to the hospital expecting to deliver her third child, but was sent home by the doctor. I don't know much about what happened when she went home, if she was sick, in pain, had to stay in bed. We don't ask questions because of the immense guilt my Mimi feels. I do know it was June 11, ten days after her water broke, before my mom was born.  My mom grew up to be a normal adult. There were no apparent defects caused by her horribly traumatic birth. A birth that wasn't even mentioned until 2003 when brain scans showed a large portion of her frontal left lobe was missing. The doctor took both of his thumbs and held them side by side to demonstrate the amount that had already deteriorated. No one will ever be certain, but it is the opinion of doctors at the UAMS Center on Aging that my mom may have suffered a small stroke in utero during those ten days my Mimi was in labor.  In her teens and twent

Beach, Whales and More

Here are some pictures from Maui. My favorites are of the whales. They were SO close to our boat and were showing off. I got some great video footage, too, but I am waiting for it to upload. You will really be able to tell how close they were to our boat in the videos because I wasn't able to zoom. Until then, enjoy! Naturally, we only took one picture (this one) and it might be the worst one of us ever. In our defense it was taken on our last day there when we were rushing to get out of our hotel room and to the airport.  Even the crew got out their cameras. You know it must be good if they're taking pictures! Waving to us. This one is blurry, but gives you a good idea how close we were.


Did I mention that I'm totally messed up by this whole daylight savings on top of jet lag? Well, I am. "Springing forward" is for the birds. Did I mention I also miss Maui? Well, I do. -- Post From My iPhone


Well, I landed this morning at 4:45 a.m. and after a short nap before work, it was back to reality. As much as Reid's job can be a pain sometimes we are really blessed to be afforded the opportunity to take short trips like this while we are still in our childless years. The funny thing is, even if he had the same job without the travel I still wouldn't see him because of the long hours. It is because of the travel (earning airline miles and hotel points) that we are able to enjoy trips away to reconnect. They get more amazing every time - not because of the location or accommodations (though I am not one to complain) - but because I feel like we learn to appreciate our time together more and more every trip. On Thursday when I arrived Reid picked me up at the airport and we drove to our hotel. We stayed at the Hilton Grand Wailea Resort and I highly recommend it if you visit the island. We also checked out The Westin, but this was our pick. The Pardues spent their honeymoon

Did we or didn't we...

You'll never know! -- Post From My iPhone

And then...

It was all worth the hassle. -- Post From My iPhone


Yup, that is why the airline agent said we aren't boarding on time. The pilot has found "issues" in the plane that need to be resolved. A mechanical team is coming. Neat. Oh wait, they just said they had to change equipment (this is the third time). Now they are saying an hour delay to change a battery on the new plane. I guess I can kiss my connecting flight goodbye. Yes, they have officially informed me I can kiss it goodbye. Trying to get rebooked on a 12:15 direct flight. That is, if they can get my bag off the broken plane. I could curse Reid's darn scuba equipment that is in that bag right now. Note to self: never check a bag again. Have I mentioned how much I strongly dislike this nameless airline? I bet God thinks it's funny because this nameless airline helped pay my husband's salary this year. Well, this nameless airline might need another round of consultants to look at their fleet of planes! I think I'll try requesting a new carrier. Too late,

The Weekend in Pictures

Here are a few pictures from this weekend. I have a cute video of Mom that I still need to upload. It was amazing being home and getting to spend so much time with her. She slept a lot of it, but that didn't keep me away. She had some really good moments and I am so thankful I have pictures of some of them.  I am leaving for Hawaii tomorrow morning at 7:40 am (yikes). Part of me, at this point, is now scared to go to bed for fear I won't wake up at 4:30! Oh the things living alone during the week will make you worry about. Anyway, unless I get a second wind and decide to stay up I will finish my post about this past weekend on the plane tomorrow.  Until then, I hope you enjoy the pictures.

Can I be honest? OK thanks.

Do you ever feel like you are waiting for a bomb to drop? You know, feel like you are waiting for the worst thing possible to happen? I do, quite often, actually. If I'm honest, it is one of my biggest struggles. I cover by saying it is this quality that makes me a "flexible" and "understanding" consultant's wife. Hmmmm if only people really knew sometimes.  You see, at the core is my anxiety and need to control. If I play enough mind games then I can convince myself that I am ready for the worst. I am always "ready" for Reid to call and tell me he's been staffed in the Middle East for ten months. I am "ready" for my Dad to tell me my mom has stopped swallowing. I am "ready" for something to go wrong with any trip I take.  You get the idea.  It is undoubtedly the most controlling of my sins. Why can't I let it go and just trust God?  So, today (you know what hit the fan) when an airline, that shall remain unnamed, called

Promises, Promises

Well, looks like I broke my promise to post Monday about my trip to LR. I am working in it and had intended to write about it last night. That is until I became an emotional wreck over a car! Anyway, I am working on the post and hope it will explain, not only how the weekend went, but more of the background behind my mom's illness. I just want everything to be accurate and there are still some things I need to clarify with my dad and aunt. I am also preparing to meet Reid in Maui in Thursday for a long weekend. We are staying at the Hilton Grand Wailea ( I am hoping this trip is relaxing, but I also want to take advantage of being in Hawaii together. I think we are planning to snorkle and/or scuba dive (I will be working on getting certified), see whales, and hike/drive around the island. Anyone know of a good car/sea sickness medicine? Unfortunately, my motion sickness usually ruins any fun for us. And, I wanted to thank all of you who leave such encouraging c

The Long Goodbye: Mom's Health Background

Sometime around the first of June in 1951 my grandmother's water broke. She went to the hospital expecting to deliver her third child, but was sent home by the doctor. I don't know much about what happened when she went home, if she was sick, in pain, had to stay in bed. We don't ask questions because of the immense guilt my Mimi feels. I do know it was June 11, ten days after her water broke, before my mom was born.  My mom grew up to be a normal adult. There were no apparent defects caused by her horribly traumatic birth. A birth that wasn't even mentioned until 2003 when brain scans showed a large portion of her frontal left lobe was missing. The doctor took both of his thumbs and held them side by side to demonstrate the amount that had already deteriorated. No one will ever be certain, but it is the opinion of doctors at the  UAMS Center on Aging that my mom may have suffered a small stroke in utero during those ten days my Mimi was in labor.  In her teens and tw

"Mom's" Suburban is Gone

When I think of my childhood I immediately remember a big body style Suburban. I remember the day we got it. I remember laying all the seats down in the back and making a pallet on long road trips for George's baseball. I actually think about this a lot and can't believe my parents allowed us to do such a thing! I now understand why my Auntie Joye covered our family's car with the Blood of Jesus before we went on any trips. This was the first car I learned how to drive - and I will say I can drive UHAULs without any problem because of it. Aside from the fact that, as I got older, it wasn't always the coolest car I am glad I have those memories.  Sometime after I was in high school the old was traded in for a newer model. It was perfect for my mom and she loved it. She drove it for six years before she was told she couldn't drive anymore. After that, it sat nicely in our driveway. I still look back, in awe of her gracious manner, when a privilege so big was taken awa

Something Fun

OK, here's another one. You better be good and do it and then pass it along!  Five names you go by: Mary Virginia, Mare, Maresy, Gingie, Gingie Bain (Please take note: the last three are strictly for my family) Three things you are wearing right now: leggings, long sleeved t-shirt, socks Three things you want very badly at the moment: To be back in LR with my mom, to finally meet Harper Pardue , a perfect body for Hawaii Three people who will fill this out: Lauren , Mandy , and  Rebekah Two things you did last night: Ate at Franke's with my dad and strolled around Walmart (there are NO nice ones in Dallas) Two things you ate today: My favorite broccoli, cheese chicken from Franke's (yes, I went there again) and cereal Three things you are doing or did today: Ate breakfast with Michelle , visited my mom, and flew back to Dallas People you last talked to on the phone: Reid, Kirstin , my brother George Two things you are going to do tomorrow: Play with Luke and Emerson and wat


Mom has been sleeping quite a lot this week. I got to take a nap with her yesterday - I love naps with my Mama. When we home schooled all three of us used to take afternoon naps with Mom. It is one of my favorite childhood memories and all three of us are the best snugglers because of it. Today, El was rubbing her face and put her right to sleep. -- Post From My iPhone