I began reading this book by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs for a girls group I meet with on Friday mornings. Though I have only read one chapter, I am so excited to read a book that speaks such amazing truth! In Ephesians 5:33, Paul writes, "Each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband." The bottom line in Chapter One is this: without respect, he reacts without love- without love, she reacts without respect. How wonderful to know that Paul is not just offering a suggestion, but a command from God! Just in my first nine months of marriage I have seen, thankfully not many times, this play out in several disagreements that Reid and I have had. Reid and I knew we weren't understanding each other's needs, but this book clearly states what we were missing.
At 2:00 am this morning, our sweet Mary Grace was welcomed to Heaven. We found out this afternoon that she had a large brain hemorrhage. Reid and I spent three precious hours holding our daughter tonight. The nurses wrapped a pink bow around her little head and we swaddled her in a soft pink elephant blanket. During those hours, we told Mary Grace how proud we were of her fight, how she fulfilled our dreams of one day having a daughter to call "Gracie," and we even took a little nap, snuggled together as a family. If we told her we loved her once, we told her a thousand times. We prayed over her and gave her back to the Lord. We miss her more than words can say. I feel like we were punched in the stomach today and left with the wind knocked out of our lungs. Its so hard to understand "why?" in all of this. Tonight when we left the hospital, Reid turned on this song by David Crowder Band and we listened to it on repeat the whole way home. Its the exact state of our
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